Join me on Patreon

I am pleased to announce that I now have a page on Patreon! Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that enables fans (or patrons) to pay and support artists for their work. For producers of videos, art, music, podcasts and more, Patreon is a way for creators to earn extra money and allows fans to contribute to their favorite artist’s platform. Patreon allows creators to set up monthly, subscription-style payment tiers, with different pledges for different levels of content or for various perks. For example, a patron could subscribe for $10 per month and receive early access to the creator’s content, exclusive art prints, t-shirts, stickers, etc.

With financial assistance from kind people such as yourself, I’ll be able to cover the cost of my art supplies and perhaps health care too. I will have more time to create a larger body of work, publish books and hopefully revisit animation, which has always been of great interest to me.
You can check out some of my art as well as a few snippets from my life and creative space in the video on my page. If you enjoy viewing my work on social media or if you just simply like what I do and would like to see more of it in the world, please consider subscribing. Thanks for taking a look! I really appreciate your support of my art.