Artwork created with a mix of watercolor, gouache, pastel, charcoal, powdered pigments, varnish and ink
far away is still somewhere
the least motion which they made
that which is left unsaid
they were a strange company
the new which no one knows
their resolve was undimmed by disaster
in order to free his mind
group of monsters
seeking to loom
whatever might betide
slowly receding into the past
the botanist
the common cause of living things
intimations of an unwieldy fate
many golden returns
pile of life in variegated form
an inexpressibly sweet sense of eternal tragedy passed between them
now and then a little thing gets by
abortive sorrows and short-winded failures
faithful witness
all the signs converged
for the benefit of the beholder
all intervening mists far off are driven
in the ebb of their fortunes
if you believe in such things
from the slightest anything
in falling twilight
the other side of surrender
in times reserved for oblivion
the gathering stillness
nothing is something somehow
secret plans and submerged obstacles
waiting with the wind
with pinned hopes and lighted dreams
our separate sorrows are a single hope
careless to the dictates of time
with every turn of the light
a substitute for any larger form of thought
the you to whom you can never return
far enough to see into forever
the truth of the universe is waiting
if the cause is worthy
at the same time
and I could wish my days to be
there is no change of place
all the beasts that need not remember
what shines so strong holds them steady
in the light of what follows
the great expanse beyond
wandering and lost in a dimension invisible to the naked eye
towering incarnations lost to view
all is distance
they were but a vestige of what they used to be
the ways along which they travel
perpetual vanishing
fate awaiters
gitrog monster for mtg secret lair
matter reshaper for mtg secret lair
toothy for mtg secret lair
pir for mtg secret lair
before the tide will rise again
gentle of spirit and noble of heart
we are not here as things apart
of small lights that flash once and become dark again
disintegrating grandeur
vacant diversion
the orbiting sympathies of a drifting heart
one equal temper of heroic hearts
they had not met for the first time nor had they met for the last
Mr. Gart's deeply rooted disquiet
awful bliss
dust light trifles in the new unknown
divining deeper motives
one thing among many
navigating the inevitable narrowing of perspective
remoteness is only ever a case of perspective
above the fray
still seeking the storm that would drive them ashore
the custodian of public opinion
remote viewing
when the heart is worthy
of that which is yet to come
the fragile interconnectedness of the living world
as the day comes down
Beauregard and Mr. Steve
the everythingness of everything else
the unfamiliar variations of temporality
the lost solidity of the outer world
unstable notion of reality
braver newer world
they had not heard us calling
gleaming through the coloring of time
a brief interlude in a panorama of endless change
of cultural patterns and aching hearts
let not your sorrows die
even if only for a short while
to the dark and the snow that falls
for all our doubts and discontents
winter's night
we register the sound but not the silence that surrounds it
for but a brief moment
before the ashes scatter
where big themes and movement hold sway
where time ceases to hold sway
we are the ghosts we think we see
the illusion of otherness
of mind and heart
with all good wishes
spirit of solitude
false readings on
let us go then
I believe they want you to give in
wonders about which the living only dream
all these little bits of nothing we are given
last light of the fallen sun
flickering effects of the mind
the unspoken path to another
internal static reduction
Halloween misfits
last night I dreamed that I was a child out where the pines grow wild and tall
we are their sky
with quiet reminders
in the end it didn't matter which path he had taken
other ways forward
unbeholden to our ruminations
lost to the idea
the threat of feeling nothing at all
the landscape of inner lives
hardly a necessary feature of reality
guiding the broken shadow
one that could not have been otherwise
the assumed order of consequence
aerial obsequy
signals end
unsubstantial pageant field
nightmare ending (back)
nightmare ending (front)